
Ieee paper format doc
Ieee paper format doc

ieee paper format doc ieee paper format doc ieee paper format doc

Only manuscripts written in English are considered. Look for the “Template for Transactions” in “Article Templates” within the resources for Journals. Prepare the manuscript in the standard IEEE Journal format (double column, font 10 Times Roman, keywords, corresponding author, etc.). For more information on survey papers’ page limit, you may want to contact the Editor-in-Chief. Survey or tutorial paper: up to 12 final published pages (up to 8 final published pages are complimentary up to 4 allowable additional pages will be subject to the extra-page charge). Short paper: up to 4 final published pages Regular paper: up to 12 final published pages (up to 8 final published pages are complimentary up to 4 allowable additional pages will be subject to the extra-page charge) Survey or tutorial paper: the manuscript is a comprehensive survey of a field or an introductory tutorial on a specific fundamental area or an advanced topic. Short paper: the short manuscript presents a simple innovative idea, focusing on a very specific aspect of the overall problem addressed even though concise, the presentation should be complete and suited for an archival journal Regular paper: the full-length manuscript presents an innovative idea in a complete way, suited for an archival journal, including a clear definition of the problem addressed, the goals, the literature background, the solution proposed, the theoretical proofs if applicable, the experimental results, the discussion and the comparisons with the literature and/or the practice Significantly extended and expanded versions of papers published in conference proceedings can be submitted, providing also a detailed description of the additions. Manuscript must be exclusively submitted to this journal, must not have been published before, and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. The IEEE Systems Journal publishes original, innovative contributions in its scope. For submitting a new manuscript or a revised version of a manuscript, please visit the Author Center in the Manuscript Submission System.

Ieee paper format doc